Today we shared the session proofs with a terrific family who just welcomed a beautiful new addition - a bouncing baby brother! Every time we do a newborn session either with the baby alone or with the parents, it is so touching and heartwarming to look at this precious new gift from above. This little fellow was so strong for 15 days! I was totally amazed by him... I have one photo that is unbelieveable (it will probably end up in my gallery)!
This weekend we have another wedding to shoot for a bride and groom about 45 minutes away. The church is beautiful, and so is the couple. This couple came in for their consultation and it was so comfortable meeting and talking with them. I feel so blessed to be able to help them record this special day in their lives. They have planned a wedding that is definitely going to be classy all the way...
"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above..." - James 1:17 NKJV