Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Early Christmas Delivery

Meet Holly Brooks Herndon - the newest addition to our family!!! My brother James, and his wife, Lynne, welcomed Holly in the wee hours of the morning on December 23. She weighed 7 pounds and 13 ounces! Big brother Crockett is excited to have his new little sister. He is really enjoying watching Thomas the Train in the comfort of the bouncy seat more than Holly is right now! LOL! This is one of the favorite images that we captured yesterday while Granddaddy was holding Holly during one of her many naps. She has started practicing her "smile for the camera" so she will have it down perfect when she gets a little older!

Christmas has been good this year for us! We started our celebrating on Christmas Eve and wrapped it up on Sunday with our extended families. Too much good food...but we aren't complaining. Our goals for the new year are probably the same as many of yours - take better care of our bodies, try to be healthier, and get more exercise. If we can just accomplish these few things, 2009 will be a huge success!

Today is the final day of 2008! It is hard to believe that January is about to roll around again! We wish everyone a safe, wonderful, and prosperous New Year!


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

It's The Most Wonderful Time

Hello again! It seems like it has been 100 years since we last blogged! Well honestly - it really does feel like we have stuffed about that much photography into that last 30 days! Alas, we are so thankful for everyone who has come to see us before the holidays to get Christmas cards, Christmas portraits, family portraits, babies and children's portraits, and (this brings us to this week's feature image) SENIOR portraits!

This is Shay - and she is a DOLL - as you can clearly see... Shay and I went all over the place scoping out only the coolest places to grab some quick outdoor shots for her senior session. The scarf was super cute not to mention WARM...and you won't believe this...she eventually changed into SHORTS!!! for another outdoor site we visited. We worked very fast...and then showers started so we moved it indoors. Congratulations to this special athlete - she will be attending an awesome university on a golf scholarship next year!!! Go Girl!

We are rounding out this week distributing photos and Christmas cards that we did for our holiday special...if you missed it, you missed out...they are simply beautiful again this year. All the moms that we'll see over the next couple of days are going to be delighted at how stunning the portraits look! We met some new folks which is always fun and exciting, and we hope they will come back soon!

C Ya!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Gosh! - Only 24 More Days!

It's Hard to Believe! Only 24 more days until Christmas! This fall and holiday season has been busy, busy, busy - and we are going to be playing a lot of catch up this week in order to get most of our proofing sessions done so orders can get back in plenty of time for frame selection and of course - WRAPPING! These wall portraits are going to be BIG surprises for some families...and I can't wait to hear about the responses!

We were proud to photograph a gorgeous marriage renewal ceremony in Murfreesboro this past Saturday; Claire and Kendall renewed their vows and partied the night away with all of their friends and loved ones! Claire is obviously a terrific planner...all of the details were superb...right down to the glittery white butterflies in the table centerpieces! You will definitely see an image from this event appear on the blog soon...

Above you see a photo that looks like it comes straight from a Gap ad...this is Sydney and Mason. Their mom (and Sydney, too!) came by last Wednesday before we closed for the holiday to view the proofs and check out our gallery. She had requested that we do some images that were "outside of the box" - and we believe they really are! There are many, many terrific images that preserve this neat time in their family's life!!!
