Does it really get any cuter? How adorable! We just wrapped up the proofing for little Judd's last session, and he really turned on the personality for us while he was here. These babies just make you want to take them home! Check out the sparkle in those baby blues...and the warm golden sun-kissed tone of his sweet smooth skin.
It's SUMMER, and things are still busy with weddings and portraits. We have unfortunately gone too long again without blogging. The studio is staying busy, and we are excited to present two brides with their wedding proofs this week and next. Maybe we will blog next time with some awesome wedding shots, so stay tuned!
What's coming up? A CRAZEEEE August is on the agenda. The TN Professional Photographer's Convention is this weekend and part of next week, then we will start to get ready for our fair display for this year. It is going to rock as always! Look for us in the Turner Evans building again this year...you never know what faces will be there on display! The dates are Aug 21-29...be there!