What a great question since our poor little blog has been so neglected since last year!
After a very, very busy Fall and Christmas season, we are hoping to turn over a new leaf and keep up with our web presence better so our clients will know what in the world is going on at Harper Photography! Regardless of the blogging downfall, we do feel blessed to have such a terrific clientele and keeping up with our customer service is Goal #1!
It would be waaaayyyy too hard to tell you ALL the things we have done since the last entry, but we will give you a quick glimpse of what we did on top of the baby, children, and family sessions we do each week:
- Wilson County Fair in August
- 2 weddings in September PLUS I completed my professional Certification thru PPA
- Oktoberfest and outdoor fall sessions in October
- November spun out the Christmas Special plus another wedding (the image on this blog is from the 11/21 wedding of Ashley and Shane!)
- December was Christmas Rush fulfilling orders and getting all the loose ends tied together
- January was great with Imaging USA 2010 being right in our back door this year at Opryland Hotel
- Also, I am feeling awesome about being the President this year for the Professional Photographers of Middle TN. It has started off wonderfully, so I am looking forward to another busy, busy year in this career I have chosen!
I will be posting my blog entries to Facebook so everyone can keep up a little better with the entries and new images...so ENJOY! And Happy Valentines Day! LOL!